Five Wellness Resolutions for a More Energetic New Year
Five Wellness Resolutions for a More Energetic New Year
Over the years the perception of wellness has evolved to be much more than just how much water you drink or how many veggies you eat. In fact, in 1976 the National Wellness Institute in the U.S. developed the “seven pillars” of wellness, and physical health is just one of them.
Tapestry delivers programs and services aligned to the seven dimensions of wellness recognizing that when each of these dimensions is equally nurtured and prioritized, it can elevate health and enhance an overall sense of well-being among individuals.
When you’re setting wellness goals for the new year, consider all seven dimensions of wellness, which include physical, emotional, spiritual, social, environmental, intellectual and occupational. Below are five resolutions to help improve your wellness in 2020.
1. Say yes to a new hobby.
Make 2020 the year you decide to take the plunge and do something new. It could be learning chess, ballroom dancing, golf, scrapbooking or any number of things.
Taking up a novel activity feeds your intellectual wellness, and it can be a fun, social experience as well.
2. Develop a meditation practice.
Whether you are a spiritual person or not, learning how to quiet yourself and practice mindfulness is a wonderful way to boost your physical, emotional and spiritual well-being.
3. Join a community garden.
Gardening is a wonderful way to grow your own herbs and veggies for fresh, healthy meals. And cultivating plants indoors or outdoors is as good for your health as it is for the environment. When you choose to grow things you can eat, you’re reducing your environmental footprint, and you’re also taking control of what you put into your body. Tapestry is proud to have an established gardening program at our communities to help residents “exercise” their green thumb!!
4. Find new ways to use your skills.
Why not make 2020 the year you learn to utilize your talents in new ways.
If you enjoy carpentry, our woodshop at Tapestry at Wesbrook Village will help you keep your skills polished so you can work on new creations. Excellent culinary experience? Invite your friends over for a cooking class at our community demonstration kitchen. Want to try something completely new? How about getting involved in our Adventure Series at Tapestry at Village Gate West!
5. Add movement into your day.
Many people end up giving up on their resolutions just weeks after committing to them because they are difficult to stick with and require drastic change too quickly. Instead of vowing to exercise every day try starting with just one or two times per week. Our Wellness team is happy to discuss a program that suits your needs and will work with you to develop the program over time as your wellness needs adapt.
Resolve to add more movement to your day by taking the stairs instead of the elevator. If the weather permits, take a walk with a friend instead of sitting indoors. Making choices to be more active can have a huge impact on your overall health and wellness.
Be Well This Year
Make 2020 your year for wellness! And if you’re interested in joining a thriving, connected community that is based on wellness principles, contact Tapestry to learn more about how you can live your best live and embrace a new age!